Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc.
“... I was in prison, and you visited me.” (Matthew 25:36)

Checks can be mailed to:


P.O Box 54

Lockhart, TX  78644

Kairos Lockhart Prayer & Share Volunteer Guidelines

Prayer & share takes place on Saturday from 8:30am. to 10:30am

(Please arrive to go through security by 8am) & the guidelines below are to make sure we execute a successful event that honors our commitment to the ladies & the requests of the institution. If you have questions, please send them to or ask the Continuing Ministry Coordinator.

1. Follow the TDCJ dress code, the same way you do on weekends/reunions/retreats. You will need to empty your pockets & remove your shoes to go through security. You will need your I.D. & your car keys must always be in your pocket after going through security. You are permitted to wear your Kairos name badge.

2. Do not enter the facility until 8:00am. per the Chaplain. If you can go inside as a collective group to ease the burden on security, that is ideal. Once through security, let the guard in the booth know you need all sides called out for Kairos prayer & share (there is a pass-through slot in the booth door).

3. Everyone inside the facility should be shown well mannered & courteous behavior. You represent Christ & Kairos, so love/treat everyone as if they were Christ himself. If you wouldn’t say it to Christ, then don’t say it to anyone there. Do not speak negatively about any employee of the institution to anyone inside the institution. Example: Telling a guard how you do not like the guard who patted you down. If there is a confrontation, situation or dispute with someone let the Continuing Ministry Coordinator or A.C. Chair know immediately following prayer & share.

4. If a problem or change occurs during prayer & share, do not argue with anyone. Be obedient to what you are being asked to do, do it with a good temperament & then report what happened to the Continuing Ministry Coordinator or A.C. chair, so they may address the issue.

5. The sign in sheet is to be signed by all ladies attending prayer & share. Two copies must be available for the ladies to sign on. One remains at the prison, the other is taken by us. Ladies who cannot stay at least 1 hour for prayer & share may not sign in on the sign in sheet. It does not mean they can’t stop by to ask for prayer, fill out a prayer request or pick up a Prisoner-to-Prisoner booklet. Ladies who must leave prayer & share for a work assignment may attend if they can stay for at least an hour. If we reach the max of 30 ladies in attendance, ladies who are turned away should sign a separate sign in sheet that is only for our records & not to be submitted to the Chaplain. If you have someone who comes to let you know they are from a different Kairos unit, take their name, walk number & the unit where they completed their walk. If they can tell you what happens on the Saturday of the Kairos weekend then allow them to stay with verification pending.

6. Pack a clear bag with the following items: pencils, index cards, blue or black pens, blank sign in sheet, agape (if you have it), blank name badges, Ziplock bag (to collect prayer requests) & extra community prayer cards. Acceptable Optional items: Kleenex, toilet paper roll, map pencils/colored markers/colored pens (for agape), notebook, bible & a bottle of water. All items you take inside need to be taken back out, so make sure you collect all pens, pencils etc.

7. After prayer & share the prayer request should be sent to the Continuing Ministry Coordinator (Lawanda) by typing them. The sign in sheet should be scanned or a photo sent to the weekend leader of the last completed weekend (Karen Reip) & Agape should be sent to the Agape coordinator (Nancy Hagerup). If someone from a different Kairos unit needs to be verified, then send that information to the Data coordinator (Charlene Smola).
Prayer & Share Order:
1. Ladies Sign in, sign agape & take seats.
2. Circle up for opening prayer after they’re done with sign in activities.
3. Prayer & Share circles until 10:15 a.m. Give a wrap up warning at 10:00 a.m. Complete the top portion of the sign in sheets for submission.
4. Circle up & ask for ladies with birthdays or who made parole. Sing the birthday song if there are any. Say The Lord’s Prayer & then sing the closing song. Dismiss the ladies if it is 10:30 a.m.
